Why do I need to use the Dyplens?

Written by
Toby Nelson
Published on
July 27, 2023

Dermatologists use a dermatoscope, also known as a dermatoscope or dermoscope, for the examination and evaluation of skin lesions and moles. This handheld device allows dermatologists to visualise the skin's surface and structures beneath it at a magnified level. It helps differentiate between benign and potentially malignant skin lesions, aiding in the early detection and diagnosis of skin cancer.

Map My Mole has its very own dermoscope that has been designed not to look through, but to attach to your phone camera, allowing you to capture the detailed images our consultants require to give you the best advice about your mole.

A magnified photo provides additional information such as if the mole is flat or raised. When dermatologists are asked to assess a mole remotely, they will always want to see a dermoscopic image. This increases the accuracy of their working diagnosis and reduces the need for further review.

Here are some key reasons why we need the dermoscope images:

1. Improved visualisation: The Dyplens provides a much higher level of magnification than the naked eye, allowing our consultants to see detailed patterns and structures within skin lesions that are not visible to the unaided eye. This enhanced visualisation helps in identifying subtle signs of malignancy.

2. Differentiation of lesions: Dermatoscopy aids in distinguishing between benign and malignant skin lesions, such as melanoma. We can identify specific patterns and colours associated with various skin conditions, allowing for a more accurate diagnosis.

3. Non-invasive assessment: Dermatoscopy is a non-invasive technique, meaning it does not require cutting or biopsy of the skin. This makes it a safer and less painful method for patients while providing valuable information to our consultant dermatologist.

4. Monitoring changes over time: Dermatologists use dermatoscopy to monitor changes in skin lesions over time. Regular follow-up examinations with a dermatoscope can help detect any concerning alterations in the lesions appearance, guiding appropriate management.

5. Early detection of skin cancer: Early detection of skin cancer is crucial for successful treatment and improved outcomes. Dermatoscopy aids in identifying suspicious features of melanoma and non-melanoma skin cancers at an early stage, increasing the chances of early intervention.

6. Aids in decision-making: Dermatologists use dermatoscopy to help decide whether a biopsy is necessary and which specific area to target for sampling. This can reduce unnecessary biopsies and improve the accuracy of the diagnosis.

Our Dyplens is a valuable tool, assisting us in providing more accurate diagnoses, better patient care, and early detection of potentially harmful skin conditions.

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